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KCS has embraced the Maker Movement across all our grades!

Students in every grade are challenged to develop their creativity and problem-solving skills. And since most projects are team-based, they also learn to work as a collaborative and cohesive group – essential skills for the times we live in.

Our Kindergarten students create art from natural objects found in our outdoor classroom and build simple woodworking projects with hammers and screwdrivers. On the other end of the spectrum, our Senior School is actively designing their own MakerSpace to support their creative minds. And in between, students are creating everything from video games to LEGO robots to novels to films to… well, you name it, they’re making it! Our Grade 6, 7 and 8 students use sophisticated online design tools and 3D printers to create a wide range of unique tools and devices.

So don’t be surprised if your child comes home with a passion for exploring new ideas, sketching out plans, and creating innovative solutions to tricky problems. Because that’s what making is all about!