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Health and Safety

Our students’ wellbeing is of utmost importance to

KCS Junior school student at crosswalk with parent

everyone at KCS.

Our health and safety policies are regularly reviewed and updated, and our staff and faculty are well-trained in all relevant protocols and procedures. Please take a moment to read over some of our most-asked-about policies.

Allergy-Safe Junior School

Some children at  the KCS Junior School have life threatening allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, shellfish and latex. We ask that you assist us in protecting our students by not sending anything to school that contains these products. Please be sure to read all product ingredient labels carefully. Our Senior School is allergy-aware and works to ensure students and staff are safe. 

Visitors to the Junior School

For the safety of our students, all visitors are buzzed in at the Junior School Main Entrance. They must sign in and out at Reception. Visitors wear stickers identifying them as such. Faculty and staff introduce themselves to anyone not wearing a sticker whom they do not recognize as a parent or guardian. They will ask why they are in the school, and escort them to sign in and receive a visitor’s sticker. 

School Crossing for Junior School

School crossing lines and signage are located on Wimbleton Road between the school and the park. The school crossing does not give pedestrians the right of way. Teachers supervise all students crossing Wimbleton Road during the school day and will wait for traffic to pass before allowing students to cross.

Student Sign-out

Any Junior School students leaving the school during the day must be signed out at Reception by a parent or guardian. Senior School students must sign themselves out when leaving during the day. 

Concussion Protocol

The KCS Concussion Protocol allows staff and faculty to check and monitor injured students for signs and symptoms of concussion, and to provide valuable information to caregivers who may need to take the student to a doctor or hospital. If the student does indeed have a concussion, an individualized learning plan is created once the student returns to school.

Lunch & Be Active Supervision at Junior School

Teachers serve as lunch and Be Active monitors. Teachers on duty have access to first aid kits and cell phones.

Faculty, Staff & Student Training

All faculty and staff are trained in first aid, CPR, and mental health first aid. The school has three facilities staff who maintain cleanliness and good repair. There is also a dedicated Health and Safety committee who regularly assess facilities and policies. Finally, the students themselves are trained on Internet safety and meet regularly with representatives from Toronto Police Services to learn about a range of safety subjects.