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Expand What's Possible at KCS.

Charitable donations are essential to provide special enhancements across our school.

Kingsway College School opened its doors in 1989 as a result of the generosity of our founding families. For 36 years, donations have been the backbone of how we have grown from 50 students in Grades 1 to 5 to over 440 students from JK to Grade 12. Donations from our families, alumni, staff, leadership and the community supports both our current and future students' experiences. 

Your critical philanthropic contribution supports the experiences of both our current and future students.

Advancement related inquiries, comments or suggestions?

Contact Hallie McClelland, Director of Advancement 

416-234-5073 x228

Donations to this year's campaign will support: 

  • To honour Derek Logan’s 26-year tenure at KCS, we are raising $250,000 to name the Senior School Market Place after him. Mr. Logan's incredible journey has profoundly impacted our students and community, exemplifying KCS values and nurturing the best in all of us. He embodies our school rules of "respect, manners, and try your best," demonstrating empathy in all his interactions. We hope everyone will consider supporting this important priority.
  • We are expanding activity and raising $200,000 for the scheduled renovation of the outdoor space for JK - Grade 2. This will ensure our youngest learners have a safe, engaging, vibrant environment for play and exploration.
  • Give to what matters to you most. You can designate your gift to support one of the above projects, or you can leave your donation unrestricted and allow the Head of School to direct your donation to an area of greatest need at KCS.

Annual Giving provides support that strengthens our Four Doors to Learning and extra-curricular programs. All gifts will be recognized in our Annual Report based on the academic year from July 1 to June 30 and other publications where donors are recognized. 


As the gatekeepers of our communities, it is our responsibility to invest in our most precious resource, which is our children. Through our generosity, KCS will continue to have the latest means to mold these young minds and ensure that tomorrow’s leaders are advanced, creative, and resourceful. KCS Current Grandparent